03 November 2008

And …. Action!

So we’ve been reading the book of James in my study group and I decided to get a bit action into it. Not the bible study group, I guess we do have enough action. And surely not into the letter of James! ;o) No, I mean my own life. Read it yourself (first chapter)! It’s all about putting into action what you already know, what you have heard.

So, I was looking at my life where I could get more of God into it. And here is what I came up with. Not sure if I will do all of it or all of it right now, but it is a list of inspiration. Some things I am doing already. I came up with most of the ideas myself, some of them I borrowed from friends or books (mainly David Bordon & Tom Winters: “101 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven”). Oh and go ahead adding more ideas under comments. Maybe you get inspired as well?

• “Writing on then wall” --- favourite bible verse painted on my wall (I post a photo once it is done)
• Memory notes --- posted at very visible places with wise words or bible verses I want to think about or memorize (I have some already, but will post more)
• Screen saver --- pictures of people I want to pray for or good bible verses (those I need to be reminded of)
• Big world map --- with prayer requests posted at various countries (maybe where some crisis is going on or where I know missionaries)
• Pictures of people I want to pray for regularly on my bed side stand
• Find prayer spaces --- for me driving to Marburg by myself in my car is one, maybe there are more?
• Wake up every morning with a prayer --- start the day talking to my best friend (used to do this, but somehow stopped it)
• Read a good book --- to help me understand myself and God better (like “Messy Spirituality” by Michael Yaconelli or “Getting Honest with God” by Mark Littleton)
• Take notes during messages & reread them later on the week --- started doing this again some month ago.
• Show God’s love --- send off one postcard or letter per month
• Get good tracks to carry around with me (there is so much flying around in my bag, it would be good to have something spiritual as well and even better to get it out of my bag again)
• Appointment with God --- set a whole day aside to spend alone with God or schedule a walk with God once in a while
• Prayer walk, together with a friend and pray for whatever we see on our way
• Watch the news (something I really don’t like) --- and pray for the things mentioned
• Go swimming and pray for people --- swimming (or any exercise) can get boring when you are doing it alone, so I pray for a person each time I cross the pool (maybe back and forth if I swim fast)

… to be continued!

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